TNPSC Chemistry syllabus
1. Elements and compounds.
2. Acids, bases and salts
3. Oxidation and Reduction
4.Ores and Metallurgy
5.Carbon, Nitrogen and it's compounds
6.Fertilizers, pesticides and undecided.
TNPSC question's asked only based on syllabus. Students concentrate these topic. Don't read whole chemistry. When we prepare exam more and more concentrate and we'll prepare in these content upto degree level.
Mostly TNPSC question's are asking from Elements and compounds. Acids, bases and salts. Fertilizer,Pesticides and insecticides. So more concentrate in this area.
If you prepare acids, bases and salts. What are the acid base concepts?. What is meant by acids?. What are the types of acids? What are the acids present in some living things?. What are the chemical reactions of acids?. What are the uses of acids. In similar mannar you should prepare base also. and then salts. What are the types of salts? what are the uses of salts?. like this method you should prepare remaining topic's also.